Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor

      In the book one of the first things we learn about John Proctor is that he cheated on his wife. When I read this I thought wow is anybody in this town acually a good person. Although he may seem bad at first as the story goes along you find out that there is more to him and he turns out to be one of the more likeable characters.
       I think so far he's one of the only people that doesn't have some type of angle. He was also willing to tarnish his name to save his wife and others that are being accused of crimes they didn't commit, showing that  he cares about other people and will not throw them under the bus like others. He also forms his own opinion about things and is not afraid to express them and stand up for what he believes in. If there is injustice being done he is the one to speak out about it. He knows when religion stops and common sense begins.

      I think characteristics like these are probably not going to be found in others of this strict village. He has faults and have made mistakes but if you can look pass that compared to majority of the characters in the book he's definitely the good guy.

1 comment:

  1. When you say "you won't find charateristics like that in strict villages", are you sure you want this claim? You could always take in mind that people in this village were AFRAID to speak out due to the harshness of doing so and John Proctor happens to be one of those people strong enough to take the beating of this. This is actually an interesting angle and I love how you changed your view as the story continued.
