Monday, October 11, 2010

Us vs. Them.. Us and Them

I think sometimes conflict happens when someone misunderstands, misjudge, and are unwilling to be open to something that's different. When people are stubborn about their own ideas and reject others without even considering them that could lead to people to misunderstand and misjudge other views.

One conflict that is going on in the US is the whole debate gay marriage. There are a lot of people who protest against it because it goes against their religious beliefs. I think its fine that people are passionate about their belief but sometimes people take their religious beliefs to extremes. There are people that build this hatred and will do bad things towards others that they don't even know. Just because you think someone else is doing something wrong it doesn't give you the right to do something wrong to them.

I'm not saying that people have to change their religious beliefs. If you don't believe in something don't do it. As long a person is not harming anybody you have to respect what they do.



  1. I completely agree with you. I think people spend too much time on conflict and should just set their beliefs aside and just get along. The world would be so much better, if everyone stopped with the arguments.

  2. i agree! i mean come on! those people that protest against gay marriage are never going to be in be contact with them. I know that they protest because of their beliefs but, lets just say one of these "protesters" go to a store and see two men together. How are they even going to know if they're gay or not?!
    these "protesters" need to let these people live however they want to. they're just like us. they deserve to live it just how they want just like anyone else.
