Wednesday, September 8, 2010

About Me :)

     I think if I told you everything about myself this blog post would probably end up being a book. So I'll try to squeeze as much information this blog as possible without it becoming a documentary of my life.
     So, my name is Tyra. I looked up the meaning of my name online. In Scandinavian it mean god of war. I promise you I'm probably one of the most peaceful poeple out there. I don't like conflict and generally try to avoid it.
     I love animals, not really enough to become a vegetarian though. I do have a long term goal of achieveing the perfect healthy diet.
     I am always on the search for answers to life's questions. Do I have a higher purpose? What do I really want out of life? Is Spongebob cooler than Charlie Brown? No was the answer to the last question by the way. I'm always seeking ways to impove myself and learn something new. I rarely think things happen by coincedence. I think a lot of things happen because they're supposed to, like fate.
     Majority of the time I'm shy, softspoken, and just socially ackward. It usually takes me a while to get comfortable with people. Sometimes I can't think of things to say or just don't have anything to say. I view conversation as an art form. It baffles me how people can keep a converstion going on for so long.
     I can be indecisive. I think I just have this fear of making the wrong decision. My current crisis is choosing the college I want to go to. As of now I have a top 18 on my list of colleges. Lets hope I don't go into some type of mental breakdown when it's time to make a final decision.
     When I go to college I want to major in fashion design and business. I've always seen myself working in a career that lets me be creative and possibly start and own a business.
      I care about my family deeply. They are always there to support me and help me to do the best I can. What would I do without them?


  1. Hey Tyra!

    That's cool that you are a peaceful person, violence is never the answer. I really liked how you phrased your thought on having conversations. I've never really thought of it as an art form but after you stating that I realized that it is, it is work for some people to keep a conversation going.
    Last thing: I am truely understant your care for your family, I feel the exact same way. Without my sister and mom I would be nothing. :)

  2. Hi! Great blog! Sometimes I wonder the same thing about all those life questions! Fashion designing is great, you are able to express yourself through your many arts of clothing and design. Good luck! ;)
