Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Tell-Tale Heart

When I first read this story I thought it was interesting, weird and a little creepy. After hearing about what others thought of this story and their analysis on it I learned some really good points.

All throughout out the story the narrator refers to themselves as I. I like many other people just thought the narrator was a man but since the story doesn't say that the narrator could possibly be a woman. In the second paragraph the narrator say, " I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult." The more I think about those couple of lines the more it sounds like the narrator could be a woman.

The narrator obviously goes crazy and has mental problems. Towards the end of the story killing the old man was starting to get to him as he imagines the sound of the old man's heart beat under the floor boards. Throughout the story the narrator says they were nervous which makes it possible the heart beat they hear coming from the floor is just their own.

In the story the narrator's reason for killing the old man was his eye. Although while reading the story I thought the narrator was crazy there was also something that didn't seem bad about them. For a moment I was caught asking myself what did the old man do to make the narrator want to kill him and what does the eye have to do with anything? The narrator states "...for it was not the old man who vexed me but his Evil Eye." This makes since because in many cultures the Evil Eye is real. A person with the evil eye can cause misfortune to people just by looking at them. Maybe the narrator had good reason for killing the old man. Maybe the narrator's mental problems were caused by the old man's evil eye.

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